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$14,995 $11,995


GRAD// Speaking Business Mastery

Win gigs, more often, at higher fees.

Build a dependable flow of new inquiries. Get feedback and guidance from HEROIC Coaches. Create the 4 essential assets every speaker needs. And, track everything, in the world's most comprehensive speaking business program ever created.

Our Approach

You're not in the speaker sales business. We're in the event organizer relationship business.

Our Speaking Business Mastery program is a step-by-step guide to nurturing client relationships from the first introduction, through negotiating your fees, to winning the gig. We even cover everything you need to do before, during, and after you hit the stage or the screen. 

The goal? Continuous referrals and repeat gigs. 
We're going to give you all of our meticulously crafted tools - everything from pre-event timelines and email templates to data tracking technology. It's all designed to position you not just as a speaker, but rather, a trusted event partner. 

This isn't just about booking more gigs. We go beyond that as we teach you the art of demand generation, pricing strategies, and sustainable business growth. 

The end result? A long-lasting, profitable business. 
Because, at HEROIC, we know it's more than just securing a gig; it's building a sustainable speaker's lifestyle – the one you've always dreamed of. 


CEO & Co-Founder
Co-author, The Referable Speaker


Partner & CMO
Co-author, The Referable Speaker

Our Promise

Embrace the power of gig velocity with Speaking Business Mastery.

Rapidly build your gig pipeline, foster meaningful interactions with event organizers, and have a structured approach to raising your fees, negotiating agreements, and following up with every lead. But even more importantly, you'll unlock the confidence to transform each new booking into a stepping stone for future opportunities.

It's not just about moving forward; it's about moving faster with purpose and precision.

The Course

The HEROIC’s Speaking Business Mastery program is tailored for those truly committed to mastering the art and science of speaking as a business.






Live Sessions

Behind the Scenes

Get an inside look – and meet the team – behind our Speaking Business Mastery program

8 Fundamental Pillars of
Speaking Business Mastery

Delve deep into what truly shapes a successful speaking career. From the intricacies of nurturing client relationships to the strategies of consistent demand generation, our curriculum is grounded in eight fundamental pillars. These pillars, refined through years of industry experience and insights, aren't just about mastering the art of the speaking business—they're about using the data to build a thriving, sustainable business around your passion.

Here's a closer look at what you'll master.


The FEE Factor Formula

The world's first formula to reliably set, negotiate, adjust, and increase your fees.

There's a ton of online advice designed to help you find your worth and determine your fees. But the truth is... none of these things work on their own. Sure, they all sound like reasonable options, but they don't reflect how the speaking industry actually works.

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Turn 1 gig into 100

Everything you need to build a sustainable pipeline of new gigs.

When you're searching for new speaking opportunities, Call for Speakers forms and Speaker Bureaus might seem like a great option. But after dealing with the frustration of spending hours filling out forms, and the desperation of waiting weeks and weeks for a response, most speakers start to wonder if there's a better way.
And there is. It's all about building relationships. We'll show you exactly who to build relationships with and how to do it, so you can build a sustainable pipeline of new gigs.

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  7-DAY SALE  

Save $3,000 when you pay-in-full for the May 2024 cohort


Assets: The Big Four

Exactly what you need, where to put it, and how you use it to land any gig. Fast.

So many speakers try to establish credibility by creating a strong online presence, leveraging social media, and building their personal brand. And it can be frustrating to spend so much time and effort creating content... without seeing any results.
Many people will tell you that you just need to publish a book, create a podcast, or engage more with your audience to secure more speaking engagements.
But they're forgetting the most important person: the event organizer.

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Timing Is Everything

How successful speakers land gigs by getting inside the mind of every event planner.

As a professional speaker, you know your final destination - you want to land the right high-paying gigs consistently and reliably.
But, when an inquiry comes in, and you find an event planner who's interested in your speech...what do you do next? Without a map that can guide you to your final destination, it can be confusing, frustrating, and discouraging.

But it doesn't have to be that way.

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Pillars you'll also master...


Track. Manage. Follow-up.

How (and why) the most-booked speakers in the world track everything.

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How exactly to get those very first stageside leads for your speech!

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The Other

How to become one of the most referred speakers in the entire industry.

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The Sustainable Speaking Career

The formula for growing and maintaining a calendar of booked gigs.

Learn more

A Special Bonus Just for You

FREE access to the
world's first tracking software, built by speakers, for speakers


When you enroll today in GRAD Speaking Business Mastery, you'll get FREE access to the most intelligent gig management software for speakers. 

It's designed to put structure around everything you do in your sales process. You can use it during the course to track your progress and build your pipeline.
This unique software will help you answer questions like:
  • What events generate the most referrals?
  • Where do most of our leads come from?
  • What is my most referable speech?
  • When should I reach out to my leads?
  • How am I doing this year vs. last year?
  • Why am I losing gigs?
  • What are my busiest months?
  • What are my revenue predictions for next year?
It's the most comprehensive, detailed, and user-friendly tracking software on the market today. It was developed by speakers, for speakers, and it's the best way to keep track of all your business data.
To create this kind of tracking software on your own, it would cost you $55,000.
And usually, a yearly subscription to this unique data tracking software costs $1,800.
But when you enroll in HEROIC's Speaking Business Mastery program today, you'll get access to this groundbreaking technology for FREE for the entire duration of the course. That's right. It's our special gift to you.
Too many speakers fall back on simply tracking the basics - the event information, the event organizer's contact information, and the final fees.
Big mistake.
Because tracking your speaking data is one of the keys to building a sustainable speaking business. With this exclusive gig management software, tracking your data is easier than ever before.
And remember, world-class speakers track everything. Yes, we mean everything.

Who It's For

This course isn't for everyone. But if you are one of the following types of people, you'll benefit immensely from the expertise, knowledge, and assets you'll gain during this course...


... who are starting out in the speaking industry and looking to establish a firm footing with a long-term vision in mind.


... who want to reassess their strategies, increase their demand, and rejuvenate their career trajectory.

& Thought

... who are specialists in their fields and want to branch out into speaking to share their expertise.

& Writers

... who have written books or content and want to extend their reach through speaking engagements.

& Life Coaches

... who guide others in personal development and want to add speaking engagements to their portfolio.

& Researchers

... who are experts in their fields and want to share their findings and knowledge at conferences and keynote events.

Any Individual

... who is passionate about sharing their message or story and is looking to build a long-lasting, sustainable career in public speaking.

If you're one of the people mentioned above, this course is designed to provide you with valuable insights and tools. The speaking business fundamentals you'll learn in this course will transform your speaking business and give you the power to spread your message farther and faster than ever before.

Who's It's Not For

Like we mentioned above, this isn't for everyone. At HEROIC, we only work with people who are truly serious about learning and growing as speakers.


  • Casual Speakers who view public speaking as just a hobby and aren't interested in making it a substantial part of their career.
  • Quick Profit Seekers looking for a "get-rich-quick" scheme or expecting overnight success without putting in the work.
  • Set-in-their-Ways Veteran Speakers who resist adapting, updating, or changing their established methods and approaches.
  • Pure Entertainers and performers, comedians, or artists who are solely focused on entertainment without an emphasis on the business and sustainability aspects of speaking.
  • Overnight Sensations who believe that one viral moment or one big gig will sustain their speaking career in the long run.
  • Those Unwilling to Invest Time and are unwilling to rehearse, research market trends, and keep learning.
  • Naysayers who are skeptical about structured plans, checklists, or following a methodical approach to growing their speaking business.
  • People Afraid of Commitment who can't follow through on action items, timelines, and tasks essential for building a sustainable speaking career.
  • Lone Wolves who aren't interested in building relationships with event organizers, fellow speakers, or teams to bolster their careers.
  • People Expecting Guaranteed Results and expect the course to do the work for them, without putting in the effort.


We don't have the secret for overnight success with zero effort. But we do have the formula for creating a sustainable speaking business. And with all the tools, templates, phone scripts, checklists, step-by-step instructions, and personalized training, it's the easiest way to land more gigs, more often, at higher fees. And the fastest way to build a long-lasting, profitable business and live the speaker's lifestyle you've always dreamed of.

Your commitment

If you're willing to invest 6 hours of your time each week to create a sustainable speaking business and win more gigs, more often, at higher fees, then this course is for you.
We get it, it's a serious commitment, and we know this isn't for everyone. 
But if you are willing to commit, we'll promise you all the resources, templates, steps, plans, and connections you need to finally create the speaking business you've worked so hard for.
And, you'll discover during the next 12 weeks that with the resources here, it's easier than you imagined.
Weekly Video Lessons

(1 Hour / Week)
Every week, you’ll get access to the weekly video lessons that will explain all the secrets, frameworks, templates, and essential tips that you’ll need for your business. You’ll be able to go back and watch them over and over so you don’t miss anything. 

Activities & Assignments

(2-3 Hours / Week)
After watching the lessons, you’ll watch a couple of short demo videos explaining the weekly activities and assignments so you know exactly what to do and how to do it. 

Speaker Handbook
We’ve even prepared a special surprise for you - a unique map that will guide you through the entire course. It’s your Speaker Handbook!  Your handbook is filled with every single idea, tip, best practice, template, and framework you need to build a sustainable speaking business. 
In your Speaker Handbook you’ll discover: 
  • Your weekly activities and assignments, with step by step instructions
  • A weekly summary that recaps the most essential information from the lessons
  • A bulleted list of the most important callbacks from the week
  • Helpful hints and reminders to help you along the way
  • Real-life examples and templates to inspire you as you create your speaking assets 
  • Special extra worksheets that you can use in your business 
  • Bonus activities (with real-life applications) that you can do to transform your business right away.  
Exclusive Online Community

You’ll also become part of an online forum where you’ll answer weekly discussion questions with your fellow speakers. We’ve created this unique space to help you connect with other speakers, form relationships, learn and improve together.

Live Training
(1 - 1.5 Hours/Week)
And, each week, you’ll get access to training sessions, live on Zoom, most Tuesdays and Thursdays at 12pm ET. These sessions will be office hours with your amazing HEROIC coaches where you can bring your questions, challenges, and wins. Or they'll be group sessions with the broader group, where you'll deep dive into a critical course concept.
During these live sessions, you’ll be able to ask specific questions about your business, get help creating the 4 essential assets every speaker needs, connect with your fellow speakers and form long-lasting relationships. 
And, all the trainings will be recorded so you can go back and watch them again - you won't miss a thing!


Office Hours

 (1 Hour/Week)
You’ll also get access to Office Hours every Thursday at 12pm ET so you can get individualized suggestions and recommendations from our HEROIC coaches. 


Make an Investment
in Your Next Gig

Here's the truth: if you were to ask Andrew or Michael for personalized business consulting to learn everything you're going to learn in this course, you'd have to invest at least $50,000.
But we're not going to ask you to pay anywhere near that much.
Andrew's speaking fee is $20,000, and Michael's one-on-one consulting fee is $30,000 per day.
But that's not what you'll pay either.
The retail value of HEROIC's Speaking Business Mastery program is $14,995. But today, we have a special offer just for HEROIC alumni...

Enroll today in
GRAD Speaking Business Mastery

Claim your spot now!


Speaking Business

3 monthly

Pay $3,325 today, then $3,325 per month for 2 payments


Speaking Business Mastery


Save an extra $100 when you pay-in-full today


Speaking Business Mastery

6 monthly

Pay $1,675 today, then $1,675 per month for 5 payments


Speaking Business

3 monthly

Pay $4,050 today, then $4,050 per month for 2 installments


Speaking Business Mastery


Save 20% when you
pay-in-full today


Speaking Business Mastery

6 monthly

Pay $2,050 today, then $2,050 per month for 5 installments


Speaking Business Mastery


Classes begin on May 14, 2024. Limited spots are available!

See you in class!